Friday, December 28, 2012

Mountain Tops and Rivers

Christmas just wasn't the same this year... and yet, totally awesome. 

Kenya's Home in Villa Altagracia

I had the amazing opportunity to spend Christmas this year in the mountains. I was warmly welcomed by many families to their dinner tables, felt fresh air, heard the very unique sound of rain on a tin roof, swam in the river's "dulce aqua," and rode home to Santo Domingo in an over crowed mini guagua with our bags and a 6 year old in my lap!

There were no presents, no Christmas trees, the tables were full of delicious food in mismatched bowls, plates, and silverware, and there were never enough chairs for everyone... but everyone was happy. While it was very fun to watch my family open a few presents via skype and even open a few for me, I felt guilty about the fuzzy socks and adorable scarf I had received in the US, that my parents will have to pay to mail or will sit in my room for the next several months until I am home. 

Christmas in the Dominican is ALL about the food, for some, the extended families come together for the big meal, but for others like the two I shared in on Christmas Eve (Noche Buena) were for the immediate family and us. The holiday really is about having a special meal with the family... other than that, people went about their normal lives. 

Sitting down to celebrate family and good food!
Our wonderful hostesses and Christmas dinner chefs!

Christmas morning was "salon" for the girls and Kenya, they put straightener and color in their hair. So, we took the little ones to the Rio!

One of the highlights of the trip was setting Maria Elena (pictured in polka dots above) with an email and facebook account. I had brought along my computer to skype my family for Christmas, but it was great to give her the opportunity to set up these accounts, something that for us are part of our daily routine  They have internet cafes and access to internet in other ways, but without help to set up an email or "get started" it is pretty useless! So, on Tuesday night, after the morning of "salon" we took a profile picture and ended up having a fun family "photo shoot!" 

The family

Kenya and her daughters

The "sola" poses that followed were just too fun not to share!

Once again, the trip home was quite the adventure but we had plenty of time for window (street vender) shopping in Santo Domingo and some fried chicken before the second half of the trip home!

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